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Curriculum Intent - Computing:

It is the aim of the department to enable students to develop skills and knowledge in computer science and digital technologies to prepare them for a rapidly changing world where the use of this technology is fully embodied.   We wish our students to have an understanding far deeper than just being the user of a computer. We want our students to understand that computing has links with mathematics, science and design and technology and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems.

We aim to enable students to develop a love of learning for computing and an understanding that there are no limits to their own development in programming and IT skills.  An important life skill for anyone is to problem solve.  Using the strands of computational thinking will aid learners with their ability to solve a variety of Computing challenges from algorithms, programming (block and text) and even cyber security. Students will be given guidance on how to work safely online so that it will be second nature to carry out all the necessary steps for their own safety as well as those around them.

Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners and it is our intention that children have every opportunity available to allow them to achieve this at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

Curriculum Overview Computing (Key stage 3) Computer Science (Key stage 4)

  Autumn Spring Summer

Year 7

Autumn term 1 - Collaborating Online Respectfully

Autumn term 2 - Modelling Data – Spreadsheets

Spring term 1 - Programming essentials in Scratch

Spring term 2 - Networks – from semaphores to the Internet

Summer term 1 - Programming essentials in Scratch – part II

Summer term 2 - Physical Computing - Microbits (block coding)

Year 8

Autumn term 1 & 2 - Computing Systems

Spring term 1 & 2 - Representations – from clay to silicon

Summer term 1 & 2 - Back to the future - Historical people in the world of computing

Year 9

Autumn term 1 - Representations – going audiovisual

Autumn term 2 - Introduction to Python programming

Spring term 1 - Cyber Security

Spring term 2 - Python programming with sequences of data

Summer term 1 - Physical Computing - Microbits (python coding)

Summer term 2 - Physical Computing - Microbits (python coding)

Year 10

Autumn term 1 - 1.1 Systems architecture

Autumn term 2 - 1.2 Memory and storage

Spring term 1 & 2 (taught alongside one another)
2.1 Algorithms

Spring term 1 & 2
1.3 Computer networks, connections, and protocols

Summer term 1 - 
2.2 Programming fundamentals

Summer term 2 - 
2.2 Programming fundamentals

Year 11

Autumn term 1 - 
2.2 - Programming fundamentals

Autumn term 2 - 
2.2 - Programming fundamentals

Spring term 1 - 
2.3 producing-robust-programs

Spring term 2 - 
1.6 ethical-legal-cultural issues

Summer term 1 - General Revision

Summer term 2 - N/A