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Year 9 Options

The principles underpinning our Key Stage 4 curriculum are:

  • A broad and balanced curriculum;
  • Flexibility and choice;
  • Pathways for progression;
  • Opportunity for success for all.

As a school we pride ourselves on the information, advice and guidance we provide for all students throughout the Year 9 options process. The process begins in the Autumn Term each year when the senior leadership team meet to decide the courses we believe are right for the students in our school at that time. In early January students are issued with an Options Booklet to take home to read through with their parents. In late January we hold our Options Evening where students and parents have the opportunity to discuss all the available subjects with our specialised staff. Following this every student has an interview with a member of the senior leadership team to finalise which options they would like to choose (parents are of course encouraged to attend these interviews).

The link below will enable you to access information about the options process. You can view the list of Key Stage 4 Courses under the Curriculum tab.

If you have any questions about Year 9 Options please do not hesitate to contact Stephen Clyde (Assistant Head).

Please click on the following links for more details:

See 2025 Options Booklet below: