Behaviour & Rewards
The School aims to care for the welfare of each individual pupil to enable them to take full advantage of what the school has to offer and to fulfil their potential. This demands the full co-operation of pupil and parent. We have a Home School Agreement which is signed by all pupils and their parents/carers and the respective tutors in Years 7 to 11. A copy of this is available at Transition and can also be downloaded HERE.
Students receive merits in and out of class for a number of reasons including showing resilience, courage and kindness. Every week, each department awards a ‘Student of the Week’ for each year group. Staff then nominate a Student of Month for the whole school. Postcards and letters are sent home for students achieving high numbers of merits, excellent attitude scores and excellent attendance. In July, we hold our annual prestigious Awards’ Evening recognising the wonderful effort and achievements of students across the school.
We expect sensible, considerate and co-operative behaviour from all pupils, together with an adherence to school rules and regulations. Good manners, including respect for adults and for each other are given a high priority. There are clear sanctions for failure to meet these standards. Parents are kept informed of behaviours exhibited in school, both positive and negative, via the Class Charts app. Parents will also be asked for their support when appropriate to ensure their child is successful in school.
The school follows a 3-strike system which enables pupils to clearly see the response of the teacher to their behaviours and gives them ample opportunity to change. A Strike 1 is used as an opportunity to explain a negative behaviour and reteach our expectations. If poor behaviour continues, a 2 strike offence is recorded on Class Charts, resulting in a 20-minute lunchtime detention. A third strike will lead to the removal of student to Reflection. Reflection is a quiet working space where students will spend the rest of the lesson. A 60 minute after school detention is also issued to any a pupil receiving a strike 3.
Where pupils need considerable help with their behaviour they may be assigned for a while to our Learning Support Department for some or all of their lessons. Here under the leadership of senior support staff, a range of work will be carried out designed to lead to effective reintegration into the full timetable.
In difficult cases, a pupil may be internally excluded, ‘fixed term’ excluded or permanently excluded. Any pupil attempting to sell or distribute drugs for example would, in all likelihood, be excluded permanently. Our intention is to make sure that all pupils are safe and secure and able to carry on their learning without undue distraction.
When a pupil damages property, whether public or private, we expect that damage to be paid for in whole or in part by the person responsible. On school buses, pupils are to sit quietly in their allotted seats and wear seat belts. School rules apply on the journey from and to home and on all school visits.
The following are encouraged - Helping other pupils. Raising funds for charity for local, national and international causes. Joining the School Council. Smiling and being pleasant and polite. Saying thank you…. and so on.
The following are forbidden:
- Smoking in school and on the way to and from school, whether on buses or not.
- The use of language which could be offensive to others.
- Gambling of any sort
- Illegal substances, cigarettes, matches, lighters, fireworks or any other means of making fire/smoke.
- Chewing gum
- Knives and offensive weapons
- Alcohol
- Vapes / Electronic Cigarettes
Visit the Policies page to view the Relationships and Behaviour for Learning Policy.
If a pupil who has made an inappropriate choice can consider the impact of their actions from the perspective of others and particularly from the perspective of the victim, then this often leads to a deeper understanding of the principles, a reduction in reoffending and greater confidence in the community that poor behaviour is less unpredictable or stressful.
At Liskeard, we have invested in the training and provision of specialist staff to support restorative justice approaches when they are required or may be beneficial to members of the school community. To reach a positive outcome, staff undertake preparatory meetings and then facilitate a restorative meeting between relevant parties. It is recognised that engagement in this process must be voluntary for the best outcomes to be reached.
Visit the Policies page to view the Anti Bullying Policy.
Every pupil in Liskeard School has the right to enjoy learning and leisure, free from intimidation both in school and the surrounding community.
Our school community will not tolerate any unkind actions or remarks, even if these were not intended to hurt. Any deliberate unkind action or comment will be called bullying.
Confidentiality will be kept whenever possible.
All incidents of bullying including racial and homophobic abuse will be followed up.
Please visit the Policies page for a full list of the school's policies.