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Special Educational Needs

Every student is entitled to a world class education. This means being taught a thoughtful, well-planned curriculum, by teachers’ expert in their subject areas, in distraction free, highly focused classroom environments. Lessons at Liskeard School are designed with the full broad of student needs in mind, therefore in the vast majority of cases, students with special educational needs have their needs met within the mainstream provision of the school. Our ambition for SEN students is sky high. Our vision is that they:

  • Achieve outcomes as good as, or better than, their peers.
  • Reach their chronological reading age by the end of Key Stage 3
  • Develop excellent habits of resilience and social responsibility so they can go on to lead happy healthy lives

Liskeard’s philosophy is that inclusion is ‘built in’, not ‘bolt on.’ Barriers to learning are identified early and intervention put in place to help students who have difficulty reaching the expected standard in a safe, warm environment. We believe that there is no ceiling on what can be achieved by anyone, regardless of circumstances or background.

The Learning Support Department is for all students – be they disabled, more able, dyslexic, dyspraxic, with learning or behavioural difficulties, or for students who just need advice and support. For more detailed information about support on offer please see the sections below:

You can also find information on Cornwall's SEND Local Offer at the following link - Support In Cornwall, Local Offer

Our Accessibility Plan can be found via the following link: Information > Policies > School Policies

Meet the Learning Support Team

Wendy Birkbeck

Assistant Head teacher - Inclusion & Designated Safeguarding Lead


Corinne Holroyd

Children in Care Manager

Sarah Evans

SEN Lead - Learning

Mandy Gaynor

SEN Lead - Social / emotional

Maria Kennedy

Senior Teaching Assistant (tutoring)

Demelza Medlen

Learning Support Assistant (group interventions)

Bethan Warner

Assistant Head of English (i/c Thinking Reading)

Katy Taylor

Senior Teaching Assistant (Thinking Reading)

Emma Selby

Teaching Assistant (Thinking Reading Practitioner)

Sharon Gawman

Teaching Assistant (Thinking Reading Practitioner)

Terry Davis

Teaching Assistant (Thinking Reading Practitioner)

Kaye Chapman

Exams Access Assessor

Wendy Beswetherick

School Counsellor