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Year 6 to 7 Transition

Moving from primary school to secondary school can be both exciting and frightening at the same time. We are here to support every student and every parent / carer along the way.

The first step is to find out as much as possible about the transition process and life at Liskeard School. You have come to the right place!

The links below will take you to everything you need to know. If you have any questions after reading this information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Q1:What are the key dates?

The Year 6 Induction Days will take place on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th July. This is when all Year 6 students will be onsite with us, getting to know their tutor and their new tutor group.

Induction Evening takes place on Monday 8th July. This is an evening for parents/carers and Year 6 students to attend to listen to a presentation by Mr Wendon and spend time with tutors.

Q2: How do I find out what uniform I need to buy? How to pay for meals and a million other things?

All the information you need to know, from what equipment to bring, to the times of the school day can be found in our Induction Booklet. View our booklet from last year below or please Click Here to download.

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Q3: How can I find out about my child’s tutor group?

After May Half Term you will receive a letter telling you which tutor group your child is in. Your child will get to meet their tutor on the Induction Days, and you can meet them at the Induction Evening!"

Q4: Are there forms for me to fill in?

Yes there are. These will be sent out to you in the post, however you can also download a copy here

Q5: Is there any work my child can be doing to help prepare them for secondary school?

In order to help your child make the transition between primary and secondary with their learning, each Head of Department has put together a series of challenges for your child to complete. Each challenge is designed to help your child to gain the knowledge and skills to get ahead in Year 7. These challenges are in addition to the home learning set by your child’s primary school unless you have been told differently. Click here to find out how it works and get started!

Q6: What does the school look like from the inside?

See the inside of the school building and view our great facilities. If your child is anxious about starting school familiarising them with the inside of the school building can really help.

Images to follow soon, watch this space...

Q7: Can I apply for school transport for my child?

Yes, you can. Cornwall Council coordinate this, please click here for further information.

Q8: How to get in touch if you have any questions:

Telephone: 01579 342344 Ext. 110