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Area Resource Centre (ARC)

Curriculum Intent - ARC:

Our ARC curriculum is designed to support each individual students’ educational journey. Our team work collaboratively with each department to ensure the curriculum offer mirror’s the school’s curriculum. Students have access to several curriculum pathways which enables them to develop their academic achievement, independence, engagement, life and social skills. The curriculum supports wellbeing, incorporating experiences and opportunities that are enjoyable, motivational and that build confidence. It equips them with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes they will need to succeed throughout education and into adult life. 

In addition, the whole school behaviour routines are embedded into each lesson to support students wider school success. We also support the whole school pedagogy of recap, model, practice. 

ARC Curriculum Overview

  Autumn Spring Summer


Non-fiction: Recount

Text: The Iron Man and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Harry Potter and the Philosophers' Stone


Macbeth or Romeo and Juliet

Non-fiction and poetry


Number: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction

Shape: 2D shapes

Measure: Length, Capacity

Number: Multiplication and Division

Shape: 3D shapes

Measure: Money

Number: Decimals, Fractions, Percentages

Position and Direction

Measure: Time


See Science Curriculum for Year group

See Science Curriculum for Year group

See Science Curriculum for Year group


Local Geography: Liskeard and Cornwall

United Kingdom



Local History

UK History



Ultimate Questions

Why are people good and bad?

Good, bad, right and wrong


Collaborating online respectfully

Computer systems

Programming in Scratch

Pre-Vocational Skills

Unit option 1 – Engaging in New Situations

Unit Option 2 – Following given instructions

Unit Option 3 - Handling own money


Year 7: Knowledge and Awareness / Introducing and Broadening of Skills.

Abstraction: (2D Mixed Media). Background contextual / historical, knowledge and understanding.

Year 8: Knowledge and Awareness / Introducing and Broadening of Skills.

Self-Image. (2D Form). Background contextual / historical, knowledge and understanding.

Year 7: Application of Skills / Visual Accuracy.

Still Life. (2D Painting). Background contextual / historical, knowledge and understanding.

Year 8: Application of Skills / Visual Accuracy.

Made and natural objects - Constructed spaces and natural environments. (3D Design and Form). Background contextual / historical, knowledge and understanding.

Year 7: Synthesis of Skills and Creative Ideas / Conceptual, Contextual Reflection.

Issues Based: Narrative Images (2D or 3D). Background contextual / historical, knowledge and understanding.

Year 8: Synthesis of Skills and Creative Ideas / Conceptual, Contextual Reflection.

Non Western Art and Artifacts: (2D/3D Mixed media). Background contextual / historical, knowledge and understanding.


Year 7: Elements of Music through listening, group performances

Basic notation using Rhythm games/grids and ostinatos.

Introduction to scales (major & pentatonic) through basic keyboard work.

Year 8: Samba Music – rhythmic polyphonic texture, structure and form

Gamelan Music – melodic fragmentation, textures

Year 7: Notes of the Stave/Treble Clef


Extended keyboard work and techniques

Read and perform a range of pieces including scalic passages and transposition.

Year 8: Blues Music – chordal structure, walking bass etc…

Celtic Music - modes

Year 7: Return to Keys and Tonality

Acoustic Guitar/Guitar tab

Band Project to consolidate learning based on popular songs

Year 8: Reggae Music – Pop culture

And related characteristics.

Band Project to consolidate learning based on popular songs


See Technology curriculum for year group

See Technology curriculum for year group

See Technology curriculum for year group


Competitive Activities

Outdoor Adventurous Activities

Creative and Aesthetic Activities

Health, Fitness and Wellbeing

Athletic Activities

Relational Activities

ARC Based lessons

Directed play



Social skills

Directed play



Healthy relationships

Directed play



Healthy relationships