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All students are expected to complete homework. For Key Stage 3, students’ homework will be set weekly for all subjects except for Art, Music and IT. Homework should be recorded in students’ homework diaries and staff will assist with this for students with special needs as required. Students can also access all homework tasks through ‘Show My Homework’, an online web-based platform. Show My Homework can be accessed by following the link on the School website. All homework set should be appropriately differentiated by the class teacher in all cases and should be accessible to all bearing in mind issues such as lack of IT equipment in some households. Students without IT access at home do not have to use Show My Homework and hard copy resources will be provided, where necessary.

Details of the project homework set in Art, Music and IT will be provided by the relevant subject teacher. The project outline will set out the details regarding the task, interim deadlines and the final deadline.

For Key Stage 4 subjects, the teacher will also set homework on at least a weekly basis. The homework may be project based if the subject needs are such that this is necessary. Again, students will be required to write homework in their diary and staff will assist with this for students with special needs as required. All KS4 homework will also be listed on Show My Homework and students can again use this tool to obtain the detail and support resources for their homework tasks.

Tutors have a key role in ensuring that the homework diary is used for logging homework.

Heads of Faculty have a key role in ensuring that subject staff are setting regular homework.

Homework Zero–tolerance:

  • Zero–tolerance applies to all students.
  • Students are expected to hand in homework which has been completed to a high standard by the deadline set.
  • If a student fails to comply then the member of staff will give the student a 20 minute lunchtime detention within the faculty. The homework should be completed in this time and finished at home if necessary.
  • If the student does not attend the detention, this then becomes a behaviour issue and will be treated as such following the school Behaviour for Learning procedures.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to complete the work and hand it in to the teacher.

If there are any extenuating circumstances as to why a student cannot complete a particular piece of homework by the set deadline, we ask parents to inform the relevant class teacher through the student’s homework diary.

What is Show My Homework?

Show My Homework is a simple homework calendar that the school uses to ensure homework is set and communicated with students and parents. Teachers can use it to set homework quickly and ensure that learners and parents always have the information they need about homework available via the Web, Mobile and Tablet devices. An introductory guide to Show My Homework can be found here.

How can homework be accessed?

Homework can be accessed by teachers, students and parents in the following ways:

  • Please follow the link on the home page or go to: There is no login required to see the school homework calendar. You can see homework that is set and then use the filters to find what you are looking for.
  • A personalised homework calendar is available for all users including students and parents. Once you login, you can only see your own homework schedule.
  • If you do not yet have a login and would like one, please email:
  • There are iPhone and Android apps available for free for students and parents.
  • The Show My Homework service is available and works on all devices using a modern browser such as IE 8+, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.