Letter from Headteacher - 10 March 23
Dear parents and families
I am continuing to be delighted and amazed by the way that students are engaging so well with learning in and outside of the classroom. Please feel free to book an appointment to come to see our exceptionally calm and welcoming learning environment. Please see below a number of up-dates for this week.
Industrial action
There are two further days of planned industrial action on 15th and 16th March. We will write to you separately to explain arrangements for the day.
Tic Tac
We are so grateful to Tic Tac and all the staff and volunteers who have supported students over the years with counselling and health support. The trustees of Tic Tac have made the decision to close the service as of 31st March 2023. We employ school staff who work as counsellors, and we work actively with mental health services to provide the best possible support for students. If students need support, they should contact their tutor or Year Team who can offer support immediately and make a referral as required.
Assembly messages – anti-bullying and social media use
Students have been hearing key messages about anti-bullying. ‘See something; say something’ is our motto, and we encourage students and families to tell a member of staff, use our online reporting tool or fill in a report slip and put it in the post box by the New Hall. We are grateful to Devon and Cornwall Police for leading assemblies on how to stay safe online and giving students guidance about the law and appropriate social media use.
Toilets and out of lessons
We are asking students to develop excellent learning habits. One of these habits is making the most of every minute of teaching time. As such, we are encouraging students to use the toilet and seek non-urgent medical advice during break times or in the changeover between lessons. Staff will use discretion to support students appropriately to meet their needs throughout the day. Thank you for your support with this.
Yours faithfully
Dan Wendon