Back-to-School Uniform Guidelines and Updates for September 2023
Dear Parent/Carer
I hope you have had a great summer. To help support a successful start in September, please see examples of appropriate uniform, as well as examples of inappropriate uniform. Please ensure your child is in correct uniform at the start of the year. Please see the school website for more information: Uniform and Equipment - LSCC
Black Blazer
Black Jumper - optional. A plain, black, v-neck jumper can be worn underneath a blazer.
Pale Blue Shirt - short or long sleeved with a top button.
Red Tie - for Years 7 – 10. (Blue tie for Year 11)
Black Liskeard logo Skirt – see detail of how to purchase this item here: Liskeard School ( They can also be purchased from our local suppliers, Glynn Valley and Gilberts Outfitters.
Black Trousers – smart, black trousers only; not jeans or leggings.
Black Shoes – flat, plain black, leather-type shoes. Not canvas shoes or boots. Plain black leather type trainers are allowed.
Black Socks
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Chris Knipe
Deputy Head