Awards' Evening
Awards' Evening
Celebrating the achievements, attributes and contributions of Liskeard students is part of the daily routine. Students receive merits for their hard work and positive contributions. Students of the Week are recognised by all subjects and each year group. The Headteacher selects a Student of the Month rom all those who are nominated by staff. Celebration assemblies take place at the end of each term and certificates for achievements such as excellent attendance and completion of Citizenship Awards are given out regularly.
The celebration highlight of the year, however, is our Awards Evening. Students from Years 7- 13 are nominated for awards and invited with their families to the prestigious evening event.
Awards include a Head Teacher Award, Governors’ Award, Community Award and awards from each faculty and Head of Year.
The list of award winners for 2021 can be found HERE.
These are the highest accolades students can achieve and the awards criteria can be viewed HERE.