Headteacher Letter to Parents/Carers - 17.06.24
Dear parents, carers and families,
Congratulations to all students who have taken exams this term. Our Year 11 and Year 13 students are coming towards the end of their external exams, and we wish them all the best for their remaining exams and in their exciting next steps. Please see a number of updates and diary dates:
We know that wearing school uniform can help to level the playing field as part of an equal and fair school community. We ask all students to wear their uniform correctly and with pride. Blazers are a part of our uniform, and they are required to be worn to school. Students can request to remove blazers during lessons at any time, and they will be given permission to do so. If we experience exceptionally high temperatures during the summer term, we will review this requirement as appropriate. Please contact your child’s Year team if you have any questions or would like any support.
If you are the parent or carer of any Year 11 student, we would love to reuse their old uniform – please feel free to donate clean, good quality used uniform at Reception.
We are always looking for parents, carers or members of the community to join our governing body. This crucial volunteer role forms a key part of supporting the school to achieve its strategic aims. Please contact Kate Williams, Clerk to the Chair of Governors, if you would like to apply or to find out more by emailing Kate.Williams@smart-trust.net
End of term arrangements
School will end at 12.30 on 24th July, the last day of the summer term. Cornwall Council School Transport have let us know that they are unable to pick students up at this time and transport will run as normal from 3.15 on that day. We would encourage parents and families to make alternative arrangements for collection or transport on 24th. However, any students unable to leave site at the earlier time will be supervised at school until 3:15. We have not been notified of any other changes to public transport services, so students and families should check timetables in advance of the end of term.
Key Dates
20th June – Charity Day – Year 7-9 fundraising walk (see separate letter)
21st June – Non-uniform day, 6th Form Induction Day, 6th Form Summer Soirée at China Fleet
28th June – Sports Day
28th June – Year 11 Prom at St Mellion
3rd July – Celebration and Awards Evening
15th July – Challenge Week
24th July – End of Summer Term
Yours faithfully,
Dan Wendon