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Headteacher Letter to Parents/Carers - 17.05.24

Dear parents, carers and families

Congratulations to all students who have received merits this term – we have now awarded a total of over 160,000 merits this academic year – a great example of the inspiring positive attitudes of our students! We are committed to helping everyone address questions or concerns, so please book an appointment to speak to me, and I am always happy to arrange a meeting and a tour of the school.

Please see a number of updates and important dates:


We are always looking for parents, carers or members of the community to join our governing body. This crucial volunteer role forms a key part of supporting the school to achieve its strategic aims. Please contact Kate Williams, Clerk to the Chair of Governors if you would like to apply or to find out more by emailing

Parent and Carer Information Evenings

We hold termly parent information evenings, hosted by me. These are open to all parents and carers and are a regular opportunity to hear updates about the school’s aims and progress. There is also an opportunity for an open Q&A session – please look out for invitations to future events.

Year 11 and 13

Well done to all our students underway with examinations this term – students have shown fantastic resilience and maturity in the way that they have approached these challenges. We wish them all the best of luck and look forward to the planned celebration events in June.

Key Dates

24th May - Break up for half-term
3rd June – Return to school after half-term
21st June – 6th Form Summer Soirée at China Fleet
28th June – Sports Day
28th June – Year 11 Prom at St Mellion
3rd July – Celebration and Awards Evening
15th July – Challenge Week
24th July – End of Summer term

Yours faithfully

Dan Wendon