Letter to Parents/Carers - 17.11.23
Dear parents, carers and families
As we approach the mid-point of this half term, I would like to send a huge thank you to all of our students, parents and families.
We continue to strive for academic excellence with inclusivity for all. I am so delighted to talk to students every day who demonstrate our core values of courage, kindness and resilience. We have been working with all students and staff to encourage them to think about we can all show courtesy and good manners in simple ways like greeting each other warmly and helping to tidy up classrooms and eating spaces.
Remembrance events
It was a privilege both to observe an Act of Remembrance in school on 10th November and to accompany so many students representing the school and local organisations in Liskeard on Sunday, 12th November.
Children in Need
We are raising money for Children in Need this week – well done to everyone involved in fundraising, especially through our non-uniform day on Friday, 17th November.
Student leadership opportunities
We are working hard to encourage as many students as possible to take up leadership positions at school. We are delighted to have appointed five Year 11 prefects who are working to support and represent student views and experiences. Our school and year group councils are now very well represented and we will be looking for more student leaders to join our Eco Council, take responsibility for some lunchtime monitoring and set up and run their own clubs. Do get in touch if you would like to find out more.
Key dates for your diary
- Year 9 Drama Showcase: 22nd November
- Year 12 Progress Evening: 23rd November
- Year 9 Progress Evening: 30th November
- INSET Day: 24th November
- End of term: Friday 15th December
Yours faithfully
Dan Wendon